Election Returns
Sherman Dead
October 30th, 1912
Sherman was 57.
Roosevelt Shot
October 14th, 1912
Many are speculating the Wilson will stop campaigning during this time to make for a more even race. This may be President Taft’s chance to capitalize and make up some lost ground, especially if things turn for the worst for Roosevelt.
The Woman Vote and Racism
Over the past few years the states of Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Washington, and California have given women the right to vote. Roosevelt has been an ardent supporter of suffrage, I am of the view this is a ploy to capture a few extra votes. The other candidates have not really solidified their position, which they do not have to if they want to stay safe since it seems inevitable that women will have the right to vote nationally before too long.
Judicial Recall
Judicial recall is the idea that people hold the right to determine whether the judge has the right to hold the office. There are too many activist judges out there, and a few people have the view that a vote should be held to oust the candidate from office. Others have the few that the people can hold a referendum on individual decisions. President Taft disagrees with these tendencies because recall will violate the sanctity of the judiciary, this blog sides with him on this decision.
Roosevelt is the champion of judicial recall. We must be wary of voting for him for this reason. The same is true for Wilson; while he is not in favor of the tariff, he is in favor of referendum.
Look out for next post, it is in regards to women and their ability to vote.
The Tariff
August 8th, 1912
The Bull Moose
I’m currently at the Progressive Party Convention in Chicago. It looks like Roosevelt has formed a new party, nearly guaranteeing a victory for Wilson and his Ilk. Over 2,000 delegates are here, quite a few of which are women, came together to nominate Roosevelt. Jane Addams gave the seconding speech for Roosevelt’s nomination, probably a ploy to make him seem like a suitable candidate.
The Progressives see the Constitution as a “living thing, growing with the people’s growth, strengthening with the people’s strength, aiding the people in their struggle for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, permitting the people to meet their needs as conditions change.” This is a slippery slope, and goes to prove just how much of a socialist Roosevelt is.
Their platform also has some socialist tendencies. They want to provide a National Health Service, social insurance, farm relief, workers compensation, and a limit on injunctions in strikes.
Early guesses are that the party will be called the Bull Moose Party, a reference to something Roosevelt said after he was shot at a while back.
Some are left questioning whether this is a move to keep Taft from being president or if he wants to build a truly progressive party. The coming years will tell. On another note, the coming posts will compare the views of the candidates on certain issues.
Silly Socialists
Despite receiving three percent of the popular vote in 1908, I somehow forgot to mention the nomination of Eugene Debs by the Socialist Party. From May 12th to the 18th, the Socialists discussed ways in which to better publicize their ideals.
Word From the Democratic Convention
July 3rd, 1912
Good and Bad News
Last week the Republican National Convention commenced at the Chicago Coliseum in Chicago, IL. The good news is that William Howard Raft and James S. Sherman were nominated for president and vice president respectively. The bad news is that a progressive bolt from the party is imminent.
While Roosevelt had won nine of the primaries, he could not hold back the potential of Taft. Taft’s final tally was 561, well over the 50% needed. Roosevelt finished second with an unimpressive 107 votes, La Follette was third with 36. 322 Roosevelt delegates abstained, signaling that a new party may form.
Upcoming Republican Convention
June 11th, 1912
The Republican Convention is next week in Chicago. Beginning on the 18th the Republicans will be determining their platform and candidates for president and vice president.This blog fully supports President William Howard Taft because of the prosperity that he has brought this great country. There is no need for change, especially in comparison to Taft’s main rivals for the nomination
Roosevelt believes that the Republicans should stand for social justice through federal action.President Taft has aptly proclaimed that Roosevelt “is in favor of innovations and changes that would make the Constitution worth little more than the paper it is written on.” This blog tends to agree.
Keep up with this blog throughout the election cycle to find out more of the details. The next post will come after the convention, hopefully Taft will be re-nominated.