
The Tariff

August 8th, 1912

We all know that the tariff has provides social cohesion, patriotism, and a bright economic future. Just look at America’s GDP. Between 1897 and 1901 the average GDP was $1.3 billion; projections for 1912-1916 show the GDP at $40.3 billion. This of course could not be possible without the Republican leadership that we have had over the past few years, and the tariff. President Taft is obviously in favor of the tariff, and will do little to reduce it if he is reelected. A recent issue of Harpers shows our president dodging the tariff issue, I think the last four years should go to prove this notion false.

I’m uncertain as to whether or not Roosevelt knows what his view is on the tariff. During his nomination speech Roosevelt was asked about his view on the tariff and ducked it. This is going to be an issue for him for the rest of the election, he better solidify his position.

Woodrow Wilson is a free-trader. He wants to lower the tariff. This is going to destroy our economy, just look at Great Britain and Germany. Great Britain’s free-trade policy has devastated their economy because of labor unrest while Germany is thriving because of their protectionist ways. Sure it would be great if the world was free of tariffs, but the US cannot be the first to do away with them. If Wilson is elected we will be doomed, mark my words.

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