
Election Returns

November 6th, 1912

Disappointment in in the air here at Taft's election headquarters, we fought a tough fit but still came up short. Woodrow Wilson won the race by a wide margin, claiming 433 electoral votes. Roosevelt was second with 88, and Taft finished third with 8. Our numbers in the House also dropped, the Democrats now have 291 seats against our 127 and the Progressive's 17. Loses were similar in the Senate, the Democrats now have 51 seats against our 44.

Turnout declined dramatically for this election, only 59.8 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots. Surprisingly, six percent of those who voted casted ballots for Debs--evidently his message got across to the voters.

One plus of this election is that the progressives garnered no governorships. I would predict that the Progressive Party will dissipate in the coming years.

Keep up with my blog over the coming years, I'm sure there will be plenty of criticism over Wilson and his policies. Let's just hope our predictions don't come true.

Below is the electoral map for this election.

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