
The Bull Moose

August 5th, 1912

I’m currently at the Progressive Party Convention in Chicago. It looks like Roosevelt has formed a new party, nearly guaranteeing a victory for Wilson and his Ilk. Over 2,000 delegates are here, quite a few of which are women, came together to nominate Roosevelt. Jane Addams gave the seconding speech for Roosevelt’s nomination, probably a ploy to make him seem like a suitable candidate.

The Progressives see the Constitution as a “living thing, growing with the people’s growth, strengthening with the people’s strength, aiding the people in their struggle for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, permitting the people to meet their needs as conditions change.” This is a slippery slope, and goes to prove just how much of a socialist Roosevelt is.

Their platform also has some socialist tendencies. They want to provide a National Health Service, social insurance, farm relief, workers compensation, and a limit on injunctions in strikes.

Early guesses are that the party will be called the Bull Moose Party, a reference to something Roosevelt said after he was shot at a while back.

Some are left questioning whether this is a move to keep Taft from being president or if he wants to build a truly progressive party. The coming years will tell. On another note, the coming posts will compare the views of the candidates on certain issues.

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