
Upcoming Republican Convention

June 11th, 1912

The Republican Convention is next week in Chicago. Beginning on the 18th the Republicans will be determining their platform and candidates for president and vice president.This blog fully supports President William Howard Taft because of the prosperity that he has brought this great country. There is no need for change, especially in comparison to Taft’s main rivals for the nomination

On February 21st Theodore Roosevelt announced that he would be running for the Republican nomination. No surprise after the disagreements that he has had with his successor, President Taft. Most believe that Roosevelt is angry over Taft releasing Gifford Pinchot, Roosevelt’s choice for the Chief of the United States Forest Service. Some worry that Roosevelt waited too long to announce his candidacy, we’ll have to see what this convention holds in store.

Roosevelt believes that the Republicans should stand for social justice through federal action.President Taft has aptly proclaimed that Roosevelt “is in favor of innovations and changes that would make the Constitution worth little more than the paper it is written on.” This blog tends to agree.

Robert “Battle Bob” La Follette has also announced his candidacy for the nomination. As a progressive he may have a problem competing with Roosevelt. Some are worried about his radical nature for attacking railroads, criticizing colleagues, and his disdain for eastern business methods; still others are concerned about his devotion to campaigning given the amount of time he has been spending working on his biography.

Keep up with this blog throughout the election cycle to find out more of the details. The next post will come after the convention, hopefully Taft will be re-nominated.

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