
The Woman Vote and Racism

August 23rd, 1912

Over the past few years the states of Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Washington, and California have given women the right to vote. Roosevelt has been an ardent supporter of suffrage, I am of the view this is a ploy to capture a few extra votes. The other candidates have not really solidified their position, which they do not have to if they want to stay safe since it seems inevitable that women will have the right to vote nationally before too long.

As for race, the candidates have very diverse views. Woodrow Wilson’s treatment of African Americans at Princeton was dismal by not allowing them into the school. He also has a very negative few of Eastern Europeans, especially the Polish. This is something that will prevent many in the mid-west for voting for them. Wilson is pro-Asian immigration which may scare away many laborers.

W.E.B. Du Bois had dinner with Roosevelt and his family a few years ago, but today it looks like he is jumping ship. Many blacks have been left to question the views of Roosevelt. Oddly enough, the south questions his view on race.

Debs has a favorable few of blacks, obvious because of his socialist views. What is odd is his feel towards Asian immigrants, who he is opposed to. How can a socialist have such a negative view of such a disparate group of people?

Many blacks are wary of our great president because of his racist southerner Secretary of War. If I was to make a prediction, the blacks will split their vote between Roosevelt and Taft.

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